Since the Protection of Personal Information is (and should be) important to all of us, it should be respected and safeguarded.
Processing of Protection of Personal Information (POPI)
Businesses must take reasonable steps to ensure that personal information is complete, accurate, and not misleading when captured into a system. Data input verification rules and procedures of a database force the records to be kept accurate and updated. The flexibility of a custom database allows the data capturing regulations and limits to be precisely determined by the business needs.
Data Retention
Companies should only collect personal information for a specific purpose related to a business function or activity, and records should also not be stored any longer than necessary. Databases provide accurate audit trails of user transactions, and one can draw reports to identify unused and outdated information to mark them for deletion.
Data Integrity and Confidentiality
The prevention of loss and unlawful access to information requires a business to take appropriate technical and organisational steps to secure the integrity and confidentiality of personal information. A database can limit access to confidential information by identifying legitimate employees with secure login and password credentials, ensuring that they are subject to duties of confidentiality.
Data Storage and Backups
A strict backup policy should be in place to protect your database from unauthorised user access. The data should not be easily accessible for a user to copy and share. When a database is correctly maintained, it is straightforward to comply with data storage policies and procedures.